Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Generic Dozile Tablets | Doxinate | Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Generic Dozile Tablets (Doxylamine Succinate) - Active Ingredient And Chemical structure

Generic Dozile Tablets (Doxinate) contain doxylamine succinate as the active ingredient.
Doxylamine Succinate is a antihistamine belonging to the ethanolamine class, and has anti-allergy power superior to almost every other antihistamine on the market. It is also the most effective over the counter sedative available in the United States and several other countries. The structure of Doxylamine succinate is shown below

Structure Of Doxylamine Succinate

Generic Forms and Brand names of Dozile Tablets(Doxylamine succinate)

Generic Dozile Tablets are available as Doxinate (10 mg Doxylamine Succinate + 10 mg Vitamin B6 [Pyridoxine HCL]), and Doxinate-OD ( 20 mg Doxylamine Succinate + 20 mg Vitamin B6 [Pyridoxine HCL]), both manufactured by Svizera Healthcare, India and are an effective short-term treatment for sleep problems. Dozile which has the active ingredient Doxylamine succinate is also sold as Doxinate and under various other brand names like Restavit, Unisom-2, Somnil, Aldex AN, Donormyl, Dormidina and Dicletin.

Doxinate(Generic Dozile or Doxylamine succinate) Preparations

Doxinate is available as tablets of 10 mg and 20 mg .

Generic Dozile - Storage Requirements

Doxinate Tablets are to be stored at room temperature (15°C to 30°C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light.

Doxinate Tablets - Uses

Doxylamine succinate in the form of Doxinate tablets is used to as a short-term sedative (treatment of Sleep related problems) , and in combination with other drugs as a night-time cold and allergy relief drug.

Doxinate(Generic Dozile) Dosage

The adult dosage for Doxinate is 1 tablet or as prescribed. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage. Doxinate is not for use in children. Take this medication with food or milk if it upsets your stomach.

Side Effects Of Doxinate (Generic Dozile) Tablets

The most common side effects of (Generic Dozile or Doxylamine succinate) are dizziness, clumsiness, over-excitement. The commonly occurring side effects are mild and short-lived.Less common side effects that may occur are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach problems, headache, dry mouth, difficulty passing urine, blurred vision, thick mucous from your lungs. Inform your doctor immediately if you notice fast or irregular heartbeats, which is extremely rare. It is not recommended to use Doxinate (Generic Dozile) for a long period of time as it can cause dependence. Although Doxinate (Doxylamine succinate) is not addictive, patients are likely to experience withdrawal effects with prolonged use.